Immagini varie

This is the Italy's first analog synthesizer, released in 1972, and while it may be a historic instrument in terms of Italy's contribution to synthesizers, the Davolisint is actually kind of awkward and leaves a lot to be desired for actual century folks.
Fender Jazz Bass Made in Japan 1994
Our acoustic piano. Very smooth and precise sound.
Studio Room perspective
Studio Room perspective
Studio Room at audio labs
Personal Concert Technology (concerti in cuffia)
Personal Concert Technology (concerti in cuffia) with Israel Varela and Serena Brancale
Some of our analog processors here at audio labs - Italy
Acoustic piano
Some vocal mics
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Corso «I Suoni dal Vivo e in Studio» a maggio 2024

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Contact Info
an image audio labs
Via di Tressanti, 15
71121 Foggia (FG)
P.I.: 03180050712
tel: 0881726930
tel: 05411792491
cell: 3386423160
fax 1: 1782237563
fax 2: 08811885832
skype: vbgaudiolabs